The Organic Garden Dream 有機圓夢


Sunday 16 January 2011 par perbosc


This is PPT slides show of Organic Garden work report on Jan4th, 2011. It’s the time for New Year’s Vacation, so we only have reports from 7 teams. This is a VC for Mali students, however, they had login problem, and the students were so disappointed. We also had special guests from Taiwan , they helped us on recycling compost and vegetables growing. Next organic garden VC will be held from Turkey.


I visited Huri’s school, CEAL, Kocaeli, Turkey with Kay from Taiwan. We hosted a VC to our organic garden world team from CEAL. It’s almos Chinese New Year, Scotland students had a dragon dancing and Italian students sang songs to celebrate for us. It’s a warm organic garden work report. My students from Taiwan FXM also introduced traditional Chinese New year to the world. After the VC, we went to visit Izmit municipal team, met educational and cultural directors and vice mayor. We had a great time with them. They are a great team. Thanks for all of the participants who supported our organic garden project and I’m so honored to work with all of you.


This is our Organic Garden work report VC. Our team devoted on environemental protection. Hope the organic garden in the school campus can find more ways to improve the environmental issue and teach the students to live healthily. More and more countries joined our action. It’s only a small seed now, but it will grow up with time.

This is our Organic Garden routine work report on April 19th, 2011. We already released Part I---PPT slides show. This is the part of Live Event. We still have mic, whitebaord, or log in problems from some countries. Due to the bandwidth, we never had a perfect presentation for all of the over 20 participated countries. This is the better one. We worked for our dream, and tried to teach the students to save the environment with an organic way.


We had a dream to connect Mali students for presentation. In order to connect them, we spent lots of time solving the internet connection problem. The technician from Mali CFPE worked on it for almost a week. On May 24th, we connected from the morning, but lost connection half hour’s before the VC. The VC lasted over two hours, for Gary from the Australia showed up at the last moment. The Scotland students were so excited to ask him lots of questions...and a miracle happened when we were going to leave the VC be continued..

This is a Marathon VC. After the interesting Q&A between Australia and UK, Mali team was connected. We had another wonderful time for Q & A. Enjoy the interesting Live Event with us.


This is the final report of our Organic Garden dream this semester. It’s the end of the semester, most of the teachers and students were busy preparing final exam or joining the seminar, so it’s the time of team work presentation again. Cathy read for Slovenia team, Charles read for Eric, Yesim represented for KAL, Steven became the only student’s spotlight..


We had our first Organic Garden report after two months summer vacation. We had some special vacation activities, and are going to catch our new dream with the new participants together.

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