The Organic Garden Dream 有機圓夢

Clean nature

Monday 2 November 2009 par perbosc

Students of the 6th grade of the college have participated in Operation Clean Nature "on Thursday 8 and Monday 12 0ctober last. This year, sites were selected around the school and gymnasium as well as the Leisure Valley. Equipped and motivated despite the uncertain weather, the students combed the scene and collected, sorted and weighed 80 kg of waste. They can be commended for this act eco-citizen. A questionnaire after exposure has enabled them to follow the fate of different categories of waste and raise awareness of the importance of sorting and urgency to reduce the amount of waste. This action was undertaken in partnership with the South SIEEOM Quercy and will continue over the course of SVT.

We produce on average 420 kg of waste per person per year. Thrown into the wild, our waste and pollution will take some time to disappear.

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